
Gauntlet is a gambling game that uses Favor as currency. Players roll to either win or lose Favor as they fight for the top spot on the leaderboard.

There is no penalty for playing this game, unlike Roulette.

Vote for Nalu every 12 hours to double your Favor

How it works


  • Player's chance determines win/loss

  • Player's Prestige level determines permanent multiplier

  • Player's multiplier determines Favor gained/loss

/gauntlet options: Leaderboard

  • Lists the top 10 richest players by username, Favor, and Prestige

  • Player's stats are displayed in the footer of the embed

/gauntlet options: Prestige

/gauntlet options: Wager (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, All)

  • Wagers a fixed fraction of player Favor and pulls with the same parameters as a regular /gauntlet

Players cannot Wager with zero or negative Favor

/gauntlet options: Store

Purchasing Land from the Gauntlet Land Store allow players to earn Favor every hour

/gauntlet options: Collect

  • Collects accrued Favor

Last updated